Sep 29, 2019
Give a listen as Shawn Shares his awesome Rock and Roll Experience at a Papa Roach Concert. Give a Listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 275 Shawn Rocks Out With Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach.
Sep 22, 2019
What happens when Shawn Plays the Catch up Game? What about when he ends up sleeping next to a tree in bear country? Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 274 Drunk In Bear Country.
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Sep 15, 2019
Listen in to a very special episode of Language of Bromance as once again bros turn into foes. In the Fiftieth Language of Bromance Draft as Richard and Shawn draft their Toy Story Draft. In this LOB Draft the Bros select the Toys they’d want to come alive like they were in Toy Story.
The Toy Story Draft works...
Sep 8, 2019
You’ve heard it and you’ve asked for it and the Bros bring it to you. LOB presents the greatest pitch meeting in a podcast episode of all time the LOB Movie Pitch. LOB Movie Pitch is where Richard and Shawn choose a topic to pitch their movie ideas. We’ll see a movie pitch created in real time.
This weeks...
Sep 1, 2019
What happens when you want to build condos in an area surrounded by beavers? Well you do the obvious and drop them in parachutes further away. That’s what happened in Post WW2 Idaho.
Led by the state a group set out on a daring mission to move beavers into a new habitat and used their lead Beaver Geronimo to help...