Feb 2, 2020
Listen in to a very special episode of Language of Bromance as once again bros turn into foes. In the 53rd Language of Bromance Draft as Richard and Shawn draft their top Superhero Costumes. In this LOB Draft the Bros select the best looking costumes. These Costumes will not give them the super power of the original wearer, but will look amazing on display in their homes.
The Superhero Costume Draft works similar to the NFL draft. The draft consists of seven rounds where Richard and Shawn choose any Superhero Costume. Once the draft is finished tweet your favorite games #LookWhatRichIsWearing for Richard or #LookWhatShawnIsWearing for Shawn and comment on our Facebook page with your Superhero Costume Draft.
This is fantasy football for dudes who can’t get laid. The nerdiest competition created by Language of Bromance. Give a listen to The Language of Bromance in Episode 293 Superhero Costume Draft.
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About Language of Bromance
Language of Bromance is a weekly Improv Comedy Podcast that was created by Richard and Shawn in 2014. Releasing a new episode every single Sunday featuring new weird stories from history, news, movies, and more.
The duo has performed live at the Kansas City Comic Con, Planet ComiCon, The Chicago Podcast Festival and more. Language of Bromance has also been featured as part of Kevin Smith’s SmodCo Pod U and BBC Radio Show World Have Your Say.
A few stories Language of Bromance has covered are The Great Emu War, The Ninja of Heisei, and Lioness of Brittany. The duo has also created staple episodes where they draft from specific topics, LOB Movie Pitch, Brolloween to celebrate Halloween season, and Super Question.